According to the National Safety Council, in the United States, there were more than 244 individuals who passed away in the year 2014 from exposure to excessive heat. There are many people around the country who are oblivious to the idea that they can die from being exposed to excessive heat. Many people are also unaware that the human body constantly struggles to remove most of its heat that it produces. The consequences of exposure to extreme he can be quite severe. Some of the consequences that you can experience from prolonged heat exposure to flu the follow: severe illness, delirium, organ damage and even death. There are many individuals who are more vulnerable to heat-related illnesses and should be watched very closely when extreme heat hits, such as: babies and young children, elderly people, pets, individuals with heart or circulatory problems, people who work outdoors, athletes, individuals who are on prescription medication and alcoholics or drug abusers. Keeping your home cool is the best way to stop any heat-related illnesses from occurring in your home. Your air conditioner is one of the most valuable assets you could have during the extreme heat conditions.
According to AccuWeather, in America, there were more than 7,200 heat-related deaths that took place between the years of 1999 to 2009. There was about an average of 658 people who died every year between those years. It is very unfortunate that there was such a high number of individuals who lost their lives to the heat-related incidences. It is important for the community to be more aware of the effects of heat stroke or heat exhaustion. These are very serious health conditions that can cause one to even lose their life if they are not careful. Most heat-related illnesses are in fact preventable. It is important for homeowners to make sure that their home is ready for the heat by keeping the air conditioner in its top condition. Many people don’t know that you must perform regular maintenance for your air conditioner to work properly. When your air conditioner is in its top condition, you don’t have to run it as long, saving you money on energy costs.
If you have neglected your air conditioner for quite some time and have never performed any maintenance on it, you may want to consider getting in touch with a professional. With years of usage and no maintenance, your air conditioner could be suffering. Your air conditioner could use some serious maintenance for it to work efficiently. You can take time to conduct some research online to finding out more information on how you were supposed to properly maintenance your air conditioner. You may also look up your nearest air conditioner contractor by looking up these terms online: air conditioning repair Woodbridge VA.
Extreme heat can take place at anytime and anywhere. If you are living in one of those states that encounter extreme heat regularly, you want to make sure you are ready. Keeping your air conditioner in good condition is the best way to fight off extreme heat in your home.
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